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With the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven to broil. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
Peel one orange raw and cut the flesh into pieces. Set aside in a bowl until ready to serve.
Grate the zest and juice the other orange and place in a large bowl. Add the chicken and 1 tbsp (15 ml) of the honey. Let marinate for about 15 minutes while preparing the vegetables.
Place the radishes and beets on the prepared baking sheet. Add the remaining honey and 1 tbsp (15 ml) of the oil. Season with salt and pepper. Bake for about 8 minutes, stirring halfway through cooking, or until the vegetables are cooked al dente. Set aside.
Drain the chicken and set the marinade aside. In a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat, cook half the chicken at a time in 1 tbsp (15 ml) of the oil for about 3 minutes on each side or until cooked through. Season with salt and pepper. Keep warm.
Deglaze the skillet with the marinade. Bring to a boil and let simmer for 3 minutes.
When ready to serve, combine the roasted vegetables, plum wedges, orange pieces and feta cheese. Serve with the chicken and drizzle with the cooking juices.
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